cloudns Package

cloudns Package

cloudns API python client.

The cloudns API is documented at

This python client is based on that API.

The major version of this client tries to match the the API version. Thus 1.1.* (or later) supports API v1.1.

base Module

defines exception types and constants

exception cloudns.base.CloudnsBadUsage

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsError

exception cloudns.base.CloudnsError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception cloudns.base.CloudnsRuntimeError

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsError, exceptions.RuntimeError

exception cloudns.base.CloudnsServerError

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsRuntimeError

an error occurred on cloudns server, not your fault.

exception cloudns.base.CloudnsValidationError

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsError

exception cloudns.base.DuplicateRecord

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsRuntimeError

raised when you want to create a duplicate record.

two records are dup if zone, name, content, isp are all the same.

exception cloudns.base.RecordNotFound

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsRuntimeError

exception cloudns.base.RecordNotReady

Bases: cloudns.base.CloudnsRuntimeError

raised when you delete a record that is in PENDING_ACTIVE status.

record Module

defines the Record class

class cloudns.record.Record(**kwargs)

Bases: object

a record is a simple object with these attribute:

attr description
rid record id
type record type
name DNS label
content DNS value
isp tel or uni for China Telecom and China Unicom
ctime last modification timestamp
z zone name
prio MX priority, default is 0
status this is returned from server. 0 means PENDING_ACTIVE, 1 means ACTIVE, 2 means PENDING_REMOVAL.

It represents a record in cloudns system.

RESERVED_ATTRIBUTES = ('rid', 'name', 'type', 'content', 'isp', 'ctime', 'z', 'ttl', 'prio', 'status')

print record in a human readable format.

static pretty_print_status(status)

return a new Record with given values replaced.

allowed keys:
z, name, content, isp, type, ttl

rid is not allowed here, because it is used to locate which record to update.

user Module

defines the User class

class cloudns.user.User(passport=None, token=None, api=None)

Bases: object

a User in cloudns admin system.

A User can manage any zone or record it has permission with.

A User is identified by his/her passport and is authenticated by a token.

create_record(zone, name, content, isp, type='A', ttl=300)

create a new record.


Create duplicate record will result in DuplicateRecord raised.

zone: zone name name: the host name (a label) content: the value isp: ‘tel’ for China Telecom, ‘uni’ for China Unicom type: record type, could be ‘A’, ‘cname’ etc ttl: time to live, cache/expiration duration in seconds
create_records(zone, records)

add a list of records to given zone.

records example:

[{"type": "A",
  "name": "test1",
  "content": "",
  "isp": "tel",
  "ttl": 300},
 {"type": "A",
  "name": "test1",
  "content": "",
  "isp": "uni",
  "ttl": 300}]
records: a python object or a json string. In either case, it
should be a list of objects with these keys: type, name, content, isp, ttl.

create a zone.

delete_record_by_id(zone, rid, auto_retry=False)

delete record by id.

if auto_retry is True, continue retry until delete is successful.

if given rid does not exist, py:class:cloudns.RecordNotFound will be raised.


delete records matching given rids.

This differs from delete_record because it sends a single request to remote server.

Delete a record that is in PENDING_ACTIVE status will raise RecordNotReady exception. This is how the cloudns API works.

rids: an iterable of record ids or comma seperated ids.
delete_records_by_name(zone, name, auto_retry=False)

delete all records that match exactly the given name in given zone.

If auto_retry is True, continue retry until delete is successful.

If given name does not match any record, py:class:cloudns.RecordNotFound will be raised.


delete a zone.

get_all_records(zone, offset=0, limit=20)

get some/all records under this zone.

offset and limit has the same meaning as in MySQL’s select statement’s limit clause. They are used to limit result to a subset.

If you don’t pass in offset and limit, default behavior is fetch first 20 records.

offset: return records from this index. index is 0-based. limit: return this many records. set to -1 to get all records.
json response from server.

return all zones current user has permission.

get_record_by_id(zone, rid)

return one Record for given rid or raise RecordNotFound.


return how many records is in given zone.


you can not rely on this. Because user could have added or deleted some records after you call this method.

get_records_by_name(zone, name)

return a list of Records that exactly match given name.


return zone information for given zone.


return zone information for given zones.

zones: an iterable of zones, or comma separated zones as a string.
search_record(zone, keyword)

return records that is in given zone and matches given keyword.

You can use * in keyword to match anything. You can use up to two * in keyword. consecutive * is not allowed.

a list of Records.
update_record(record, auto_retry=False)

update record by record.rid.

To update a record, first fetch a record with get_records_by_name() or get_record_by_id(), then call Record.update(), finally User.update_record() or Zone.update_record().

Here is an example:

>>> old_record = zone.get_record_by_id(rid)
>>> new_record = old_record.update(content="")
>>> zone.update_record(new_record)
record: update old record with record.rid to match this record.
update_record_raw(rid, zone, name, content, isp, type, ttl, auto_retry=False)

update record with given rid.

You should usually use update_record() instead of this method.


return a Zone object under this User.

Create a zone object and call methods on it so that you don’t have to pass the zone parameter all the time.


join an iterable maybe.

if obj is a string, do nothing. if obj is an iterable, join it with u’,’.

zone Module

defines the Zone class.

class, zone_name)

Bases: object

a Zone can manage records in the zone easier than a User.

a Zone has a zone name ( and a binded user (self.user).

bulk create/delete records are not defined here, if you wish to use them, please use User.create_records() and User.delete_records().

create_record(name, content, isp, type='A', ttl=300)

create a new record.


Create duplicate record will result in DuplicateRecord raised.

name: the host name (a label) content: the value isp: ‘tel’ for China Telecom, ‘uni’ for China Unicom type: record type, could be ‘A’, ‘cname’ etc ttl: time to live, cache/expiration duration in seconds
static create_zone(passport, token, zone_name)
delete_record_by_id(rid, auto_retry=False)

delete record by id.

if auto_retry is True, continue retry until delete is successful.

if given rid does not exist, cloudns.RecordNotFound will be raised.

delete_records_by_name(name, auto_retry=False)

delete all records that match exactly the given name in this zone.

If auto_retry is True, continue retry until delete is successful.

If given name does not match any record, cloudns.RecordNotFound will be raised.

get_all_records(offset=0, limit=20)

get all records under this zone.

offset and limit has the same meaning as in MySQL’s select statement’s limit clause. They are used to limit result to a subset.

offset: return records from this index. index is 0-based. limit: return this many records. set to -1 to get all records.
json response from server.

return one Record for given rid.

raise RecordNotFound if record not found.


return how many records in this zone.


you can not rely on this. Because user could have added or deleted some records after you call this method.


return a list of Records that exactly match given name.


return records that is in this zone and matches given keyword.

You can use * in keyword to match anything. You can use up to two * in keyword. consecutive * is not allowed.

update_record(record, auto_retry=False)

update record by record.rid.

record: update old record with record.rid to match this record.
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